Product Creation & Discount Opportunity!

Product Creation & Discount Opportunity!

Psst, I have a few questions for you...

Have you ever wondered what was in your skin care products? Maybe even read the ingredients and not been able to even pronounce some of the words? Are you left scratching your head thinking “maybe this isn’t a good idea to put on my skin”.

Thinking face

We have thought those things also!

That’s why here at Careful Body Care, we want to make skin care products that are going to be safe for anyone’s use. We want to provide all of our clients the opportunity to give us their honest opinion on products that they want to see on our website. We will even create new products specifically to our clients and their personal wants.

For example: If you don’t like a particular scent, we can change that!


Listen up everyone! We have a great opportunity for all of our readers/ clients. Helps us help you!

Here is what we ask of you. YES, YOU! The greatest part is,it will only take a few minutes.

  1. : Review any products we have on our website that you have tried.
  2.  “Like” us on our Facebook page.
  3. : Contact Us and give us your personal product suggestion that you would like us to create and make available for purchase.

*What you will receive from us*

A personalized discount code will be emailed back to you for a one-time 20% off online purchase. This discount code is valid from August 19th -August 31, 2016

Once your purchase has been confirmed, you will get a FREE 100% natural lip balm from Careful Body Care to you as a Thank-You for your valued opinion and support.

We want to extend our thanks and gratitude to all of our loyal clients and welcome our new ones.

Always remember:

Love your skin!

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1 comment

Dear CBC Team,
Since I am a strong believer in cruelty-free and vegan products, I love the whole concept of your business. The Rose Toner, Timeless Beauty Serum and the Timeless Body Butter make my skin feel very comfortable. There is absolutely no “greasy” heavy feeling when applied.
These products were sent to me from Canada to Germany, where I presently live,
by a dear friend of mine. I am happy to know that these products are shipped world wide to any destination.
Keep up your good work CBC in making life better on the planet we all share.

Charleen Friebel

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