Civic Long Weekend and Ridiculous Kindness

Civic Long Weekend and Ridiculous Kindness

Happy Civic Holiday long weekend to those that get to enjoy August 7th off from work. 

The weather may or may not cooperate, but never let that stop you. Enjoy your time with your loved ones and just let it be. I don't know about you, but I know how I am over a long weekend. I have a list of things I need to get done and then I feel like I didn't really get to relax. Over working myself and not enjoying the moment enough. 


This long weekend, that will change. Sadly, I won't be going to the beach like in that picture above, but I will make time for myself. Read a good book and enjoy some tea. Engage in things i'm passionate about. Take time to help others even in little ways.

You and I know that "change" is uncomfortable and not easy. Change can be exciting and fearful. I'll choose to experience it as exciting. These's the little things in life that we all take for granted. But if we all focus on the little things more closely, we'll realize we make small choices throughout our days. Letting work get under our skin, our kids, even ourselves with our own impatience. 

The point is, we unconsciously let these things get to us. I read a great article from Bob Proctor about The Ridiculous Power of Kindness and I have a little challenge for all of you.

The focus was on the random small acts of kindness that we can all practice on a daily basis. The key to really feeling good about these small yet meaningful acts of kindness is to expect nothing in return. That's right...nothing!

There will be a ripple effect, and in the end, you'll know that what you might have done for someone one day brought a bit of happiness into their day. A smile or "good morning", holding the door open etc. These are all things that we take for granted and if we try small things like this with consistency, it will bring more happiness into our lives. 

So... I challenge all of you to take the next 21-Days and participate in "Random Act of Kindness". I know i'll be starting my 21-Day Challenge TODAY!

Email us at: and let us and let us know how the challenge went. Or comment below and share your experiences.

What did you notice changed a bit in the way you might view things on a day to day basis? 

Let us all build ourselves up to put a bit more faith in humanity one day at a time. And remember, being kind to one another is the least we can do. 

Remember: Love your Skin!


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